Time : A sermon I wrote on Christmas Day 2017 - It still applies today. Enjoy.
On this Christmas Day, 2017, the spirit put on my heart the word time. As I meditated on that thought, a series of other thoughts entered my mind. I’d like to share those thoughts with you today.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 tells about “A time for everything.” Eccl 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” To paraphrase verses 2-8, it tells us there is a time to be born, to die, to plant, to harvest, to kill, to heal, to breakdown and to build up. There is a time to weep, to laugh, to mourn, and to dance. There is a time to cast away stones, to gather stones, to embrace, to refrain from and to cast away. There is also a time to rend, to sew, to keep silent, to speak, to love, to hate, a time of war and peace.
Why is it that our Father God takes the time to explain time to us? Throughout our life we are restricted by the influences of times and changes over which we have little or no control. God has an eternal plan that includes the purposes and activities of all of us living here on earth. When we live our lives for God’s purpose, and we avoid evil motivations and activities, the Holy Spirit works through us to accomplish God’s perfect plan for our lives. We will fulfill God’s plan for us in his perfect timing as long as we keep trusting him with the control of our lives and circumstances. Romans 12:1-2 states, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as a living sacrifice. And be not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 talks of true wisdom being the gift of God. To experience God, we need to understand a couple of beliefs. One is: sometimes God does not answer our prayers right away for a good reason. God may be preparing us for something better. The other is: that only believers can understand God’s word. How do we renew our mind?
Sanctification and the Holy Spirit’s power and guidance comes to my mind. Ephesians 5:8 is very special to me and I pray every morning using this verse that the spirit with lead me, guide me, and teach me so I can fulfill God’s will for me. It says, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the spirit.” Brethren, sanctification is a daily process. Every day we need to pray and yield to the Holy Spirit to fill us, take control of our life for that day, and give our life to God and his purpose.
Another important verse comes to my mind. Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” God’s word is not a buffet table where one can pick and choose the parts we like. We must fully yield to Him, and we do that in daily sanctification by yielding to the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. How do we know what the Holy Spirit is telling us? TIME!!!
God gives us time. But, do we use it properly? Let’s look at a seven-day period of time. There is 24 hours in a day, and 168 hours in a week. How much of that time do we spend with God: reading or studying His word, praise and worshipping Him in prayer and in meditation? Does our only time with God boil down to: God please help me with … or please heal me and the like?
Malachi 3:10 means a lot to me. It says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be enough to receive it.” Chapter 3 of Malachi talks of the sins of the people. In verse 6 and 7 of that Chapter, God tells us he is unchanging and forgiving. To experience God, we must return to him. In return God promises He will return unto us.
What God is saying is if people would change their ways, return to Him, and show their renewed commitment (daily sanctification) to Him by giving financially and personally to his work and ministers, he would pour out far more blessings than they had given.
Some of you may be thinking, Brother Ralph what does tithing have to do with time? Are you going off on a rabbit trail? Brethren, tithing is not just a financial venture. God made us and created us to have fellowship with Him. Remember when I said earlier that God gives us life 168 hours per week. Do we tithe our time? Do we give God a minimum of 16.8 hours per week in fellowship? Do we do it out of love for Him and His Son, or, just as a mere necessity?
God expects his people to show our love and loyalty to Him and in His work by giving him our time, our tithes, our offerings, and our love. This fulfills his purpose on earth to promote his gospel and prepare us for eternal life with Him. Giving is a principle that allows God to help us increase our faith and develop greater discipline and responsibility in our life. The blessings that go along with faithfulness in the giving of our time and of our finances will come back both in this life and throughout eternity.
So brethren, I pray that you remember this Christmas time, the “Reason for the Season” is Father God giving us his only begotten Son (John 3:16) so that we have time, - not temporal but eternal – to spend with our Lord of lords and King of kings. JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
Let us take a moment in prayer. Father we pray the world learns of the important truth of time. May the individual who does not yet know you reach out and find you to stop their pains, anxieties, hates, sins and ultimate death not knowing you. May we all find Jesus as our Lord and Savior and give our time to you in servanthood, humility, and faith to you Lord and to serving and helping others. Amen
If you do not know Jesus and would like to learn of him, please do not hesitate to email or chat with me and let me share my testimony with you.
May God Bless each one of you in your daily walk with Him.