Our Rules of Engagement: Protocol and things we must do to get where we need to go. GO DEEP and GO HIGH!!
1) Live a life of sacrifice (See Hebrews 9:26, Ephesians 5:2, Numbers 15:3)
2) Turn from wickedness (Acts 8:22)
3) Redeem the time (Ephesians 5:16)
4) Seek first God’s kingdom. ((Matthew 6:33 and Colossians 3:1)
5) There is a better and new way. (1 Corinthians 12:31 and Hebrews 10:20)
6) Turn weakness into strength (Joel 3:10)
(Related Verses Psalm 8:4 and 2 Chronicles 7:14-15)
A. I sent you out as lambs amongst wolves. (Isaiah 11:6 and Hosea 2:18)
B. When you praise God, you set up an Angelic ambush against them.
C. When you put on the kingdom line, don’t listen to worldly people.
D. You are going to be tested on what you say by God.
E. You will not overcome by your own words. Look to Jesus!
F. Don’t rehearse hate, don’t nurse hate, otherwise it will get stronger.
I. Prepare for Battle
a) Recognize that we are not in conflict against flesh and blood. For example: Captain of the host of the Lord came to help Joshua. (Joshua 5:14) Other scripture verses to study deeper: Daniel 10:13; Psalm 144:1, 149:6; Romans 8:13; 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:11-12, 17-18. (All of these verses point to spiritual warfare.
b) Remain deeply committed to God’s truth and living by the standards of His word. For example: Offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God and not be conformed to the world. (Romans 12:2) Other scripture verses to study deeper: Ephesians 6:14, Isaiah 59:17, 11:5. Put on the total armor of God and be shod with the preparation of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:15)
c) Prepare against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
II. Have a strategy for war.
a) Have faith that Satan’s power can be broken in any specific area where he has control and a stronghold. (Acts 26:18; Ephesians 6:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:8)
b) Believe you will be rescued from Satan. (Psalm 140: 1-13; Matthew 10:1; Colossians 1:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; 1 Peter 5:8)
c) Believe in victory by the power of Christ. (Job 1:6-7, Zechariah 3:8, Matthew 4:10, Colossians 2:15)
d) Believe in the final defeat of Satan. Isaiah 4:21, Revelation 20:10)
e) Pray for deliverance. (Matthew 6:13 and BELIEVE IT!)
III. Confront the enemy – Satan
a) Boldly proclaim the message of Christ and his kingdom (through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit) Matthew 4:23; Luke 1: 15, 17; Acts 1:8, 2:4, 8:12; Romans 1:16 and Ephesians 6:15.
b) Challenge Satan and his power by relying on Jesus and take authority in:
Ø Jesus’ Name (Acts 16:16, 18)
Ø By God’s word (Ephesians 6:17)
Ø Praying in the spirit (Acts 6:4, Ephesians 6:18)
Ø Fasting. (Daniel 9:3; Matthew 6:16)
Ø Driving out demons (Matthew 10:1, 12:28, 17: 17-21; Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17; Acts 5:16, 8:7, 16:18, 19:12)
IV. Cancel Satan’s Mission and his Attacks Against You.
a) Pray the Holy Spirit will work on the spiritually lost. (John 16: 7-11)
b) Desire, pray, and expect the Holy spirit to work in your life through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and through your church by using the spiritual gifts. (Acts 4:29-33, 10:38; 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11)
V. Believe in Victory over Satan through Jesus Christ.
a) Old Testament Verses: Gen 3:15; Ex 7:10-12; Jud 6:35-32, 16: 23-30; 1 Sam 16: 22-23; 1 Ki 18: 21-39; Job 1: 6-22; Psalm 91: 1-13 (As society calls 9-1-1 for assistance, Christians can call the spiritual 9-1-1 for help too. See Psalm 91:1) Isa 14: 12-20, 24: 21-23, and Daniel 10:11.
b) New Testament Verses: Matthew 4: 1-11, 8: 28-33, 17: 14-18; Mark 1: 23-28, 3: 10-15, 20-27, 5: 1-16; Luke 4: 2-13, 33-36, 10: 17-19, 11: 20-26; Acts 5: 3-5, 16: 16-18, 19: 13-20; Romans 8: 38-39, 2 Corinthians 11: 12-15, 12: 7-10; Ephesians 6: 10-18, James 4:7, 1 Peter 5: 8-9, 1 John 3:8, Revelation 12: 7-11 and 20: 2-3, 7-10.
VI. Be an Overcomer. (Revelation2:7, 24; 3:4; 21:7)
In Mark 3:27, the KJV states, “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man: and then he will spoil his house.
In view of that verse, I see three steps in spiritual conflict against Satan.
v DECLARE war against Satan. (Luke 4: 14-19)
v ENTER Satan’s stronghold/territory, attack and overpower him by prayer and God’s word. (Luke 11: 20-26)
v TAKE what the devil possesses. (Luke 11:22, Acts 26:18)
There are three ways Satan attacks us.
1. Through oppression (Acts 10:38)
2. Through obsession/vexing (Luke 6:18, Acts 5:16)
3. Through possession/strongholds (in other words: control of our mind, our spirit, or our will.)
Father God it is my prayer that you bless each reader of this with knowledge, understanding, and the wisdom to overcome any and all attacks by Satan. Please give them the joy, peace, and humility to live a full life following you and praising you for all the blessings you bestow upon them. Amen.
God Bless all of my family, friends, and those who desire to go deeper and study his word.
Your brother in Christ,